Giving CocosSharp v1.7.0.0-pre1 a Spin

If you didn’t see the announcement recently, the awesome people working on CocosSharp put out a new preview of CocosSharp v1.7 (v1.7.0.0-pre1). With it, comes a very cool new way of working with your game content, the ability to mix it with normal native Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, or Xamarin.Forms content. I wanted to poke at the last of those, because I’ve been buried in Xamarin.Forms code non-stop for quite a few months now. TL;DR: Getting the CocosSharp project templates working the the v1.7.0.0-pre1 packages takes a few extra steps: restoring the pre-release CocosSharp.Forms NuGet package on your shared and platform projects. Once you get things in place, though, you can do some amazing things by combining Xamarin.Forms content with your CocosSharp game content. If you want to just jump right into playing with the final code, the resulting solution is available in a GitHub repo. (I may continue to work on this repo, so if it ever looks too different, here is the exact commit to clone to get you to the end of this post.) CocosSharp Project Templates Add-in While we can spin up a new Xamarin.Forms project and add the CocosSharp bits, this also gives us a chance to… Continue reading